We Help You Shine


Company Movies

Our Story

ZENNAWOLFE MEDIA SOLUTIONS was born out of Hollywood Actor Kate Zenna's passion and talent for on-camera coaching and the dire needs of her friend, business partner and software consulting guru, David Wolfe, whose online videos needed help - BIG TIME. 

For years, David Wolfe had struggled in front of the camera. Despite this fact, and out of pure business necessity, he continued to publish video content for the benefit of his software consulting firm, Lupine Partners.  When Kate saw the state of these videos she demanded that David allow her to 'take a crack at him', believing that she could make him shine on-camera.  After one studio session, David was transformed.  Not only did he gain training that had a permanent effect on him, he learned that he had facial gestures that were unflattering, unnecessary, disempowering and most importantly - inauthentic. The session was so life-changing for David that he convinced Kate to help him find a way to bring this gift to more people like him - people who wanted to improve their on-camera and presentation skills and who were willing to do whatever it took to do so. 

David and Kate soon realized that not only were there many professionals who were interested but there were also many working actors like Kate who wanted to help others and had lots of 'down' time between film roles.  Kate's actor colleagues have spent their careers learning how to be comfortable in front of the camera and the unpredictable nature of the entertainment industry offers them time to share their expertise with others. We decided to play Matchmaker and bring both sides together - because we realized that they needed each other. 

ZennaWolfe Actor-Coaches are shining stars in how they pursue their dreams – in how they experience life and in how they share what they’ve learned along the way.  ZennaWolfe Clients are also stars – in the risks they take to better their businesses and themselves, their commitment to strengthening their leadership skills, and their unabashed pursuit of their highest personal and business goals.  

Together with a team of seasoned film production professionals and talented Actor-Coaches, ZennaWolfe Media Solutions is able to offer the most unique and effective corporate video production services.  Learn more about our Video Business Cards and Company Movies


Get in touch

We at ZennaWolfe know how important it is for your marketing efforts and sales materials to powerfully reflect your business’s unique offering. Our media production support services are designed to help YOU share the very best of your business and most of all, your team.

Let’s talk about how we can help you, your team and your business shine…on-camera.  

Get In Touch with us today ▸


The Founders

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Co-founder & Head of coaching and production

Kate Zenna

Kate is our fearless leader who finds a way to make everyone feel comfortable on-camera. Some say she can work miracles and others say she's the most infectiously enthusiastic person they know. Kate leads many of ZennaWolfe group trainings (online or in-person) and works with a limited number of executives in one-on-one sessions both online and in-person. Contact Kate about scheduling a session.

Kate is a Canadian Academy Award-nominated actor and also the singer for electro-pop band Pointe Claire. Visit Kate's IMDB and watch her acting reel here.  Kate has acted opposite many of the entertainment industry's most recognizable stars including Timothy Hutton, Susan Sarandon, Matthew Modine, Rufus Sewell, Rob Lowe, Kerry Washington, Rob Morrow and Mena Suvari. Kate's broad talents have been seen in such film and TV productions as Oscar-winning ChicagoA&E's Nero WolfeShowtime's Queer as Folk and Street TimeABC's Brothers and Sisters and CBS' Eleventh Hour as well as being the star of the made-for-TV movie Port Hope.


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Co-founder & CEO

David Wolfe

David has a knack for turning everything he touches into gold. He knows a great business venture when he sees it and as the first official ZennaWolfe client he wants to do everything in his power to bring this service to all who want it. David is the Executive Producer of the Emmy Award-winning documentaries Esparanza and Casa Hogar. He is also the Founder and President of Lupine Partners - a boutique software consulting firm based in Dallas, Texas. In addition, David is the author of three books -- 'Software and Vendors and Requirements, Oh My!''Lessons from the Technology Front Line', and 'Marching to the Beat of a Different Drummer'.  IMDB


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The book

Falling In Love…With The Camera

Falling in Love with the Camera is a collaboration of ZennaWolfe Founders, David Wolfe and Kate Zenna. An unlikely pair, Zenna and Wolfe began working together professionally after Hollywood actor, Kate Zenna, offered to help entrepreneur, David Wolfe, improve his on-camera skills. The book shares the many tips and tricks offered to ZennaWolfe clients. The goal is ‘authenticity’, which Zenna upholds is the key to being effective on-camera. “We have to learn to be the best version of ourselves, what I call our authentic self. It’s easy and it’s hard and then it’s really easy. I love helping people learn how to feel comfortable and thrive on-camera.”


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